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Safe and Secure Mobile Banking

Welcome to WesBanco Wellness: a Series for Your Financial Health. Here we will tackle budgeting, debts, safe web practices and more to help get you into the best financial shape of your life.
Our world today is constantly updating the way we take on daily tasks. From ride sharing to grocery shopping, technology is making it possible to streamline our lives. According to a June 2020 statement by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), mobile banking has surged by 50% since the beginning of year. It’s no surprise. Mobile and online banking is convenient, and more people are becoming accustomed to this service and rely on it regularly. Now that we have our bank accounts in our pocket, it’s important to note that secure mobile banking apps have all the same safety and security measures as traditional banking—it’s just easier.
So, how safe is mobile banking? Reputable banks, including WesBanco, use several security measures to keep your accounts safe. WesBanco makes online and mobile banking security a priority, so banking at your fingertips is simple and safe. But there are more steps you can take to educate yourself on mobile banking security and keep accounts secure. Keep your mobile banking security in check by following these easy tips.
Get to Know Your Secure Mobile Banking Features
If you’re concerned with mobile banking security, look no further than your own bank’s security features. Banks are consistently updating security measures to keep accounts secure. Always take advantage of these security elements included in WesBanco’s safe mobile banking experience.
- Complex Password Requirements: Password requirements for mobile and online banking are increasingly becoming more complex and for good reason and having a strong password is key to account security. This is why WesBanco requires complex password requirements like using both alpha and numeric characters for mobile banking security.
- Two-Factor Authentication: Enabling this extra security measure can go a long way toward safe mobile banking. Two-factor authentication provides users with a one-time security code when additional authentication is required to log in to an account. This code is texted to the mobile number on file and is required for a login. This is just another security measure that lets your bank know that it’s you when logging into your accounts.
- Security Alerts: A secure mobile banking experience should also include security alerts. These alerts are generated and usually sent via text or email. You can receive alerts when you change a setting, login or transfer money to and from accounts. Additional notifications can be enabled for real-time text alerts along with a variety of other alerts including transactional and messaging notifications.
Next-Level Security for Safe Mobile Banking
Banks are always working on your mobile banking security, but here are some easy ways you can increase your safe mobile banking experience yourself:
- Customize Security Options: You should have the flexibility to increase the security on your mobile accounts. This means changing your password every 60 days and use multiple words and special characters. It’s also suggested that you establish real-time text alerts for every login, transfer and/or change to your accounts.
- Password Protect Mobile Devices: Ever had that sinking feeling when you accidently left your phone in a public place? It happens to the best of us. If your mobile device is password protected—or better yet, protected with facial ID or fingerprint ID—you’ll have more peace of mind. This includes your apps, too. When facial ID is available, use it. Forbes reports that the statistics for a random person to unlock your phone with facial ID is one in a million. Facial ID and Fingerprint ID can also be used to log into many mobile banking apps. At WesBanco, Facial ID and Fingerprint ID can also be used to log into our mobile app.
- Don’t Take the Bait: We hear about phishing all the time—through emails and texts. If you receive a text or an email with a link that seems “fishy” it probably is. Don’t click on any of the links provided. Always use your bank’s mobile app or visit their site directly through your mobile browser.
- Think Twice about Public Wi-Fi: When it comes to public Wi-Fi at coffee shops, airports, hotels or restaurants, think twice about banking over this connection because you can’t be sure the connection is completely secure. Only connect to sources your trust, use your regular data plan or a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to bank on the go.
- Log Out of Banking Apps After Use: Most banking apps will log you out automatically for security reasons, but it’s always a good idea to log out yourself. You’ll also want to log out of all accounts signed in through your mobile browser. In addition to logging out of all banking apps, don’t save your usernames or passwords. It’s just another step you can take for mobile banking security.
So, Are Banking Apps Safe?
Yes, banking apps are safe and secure and banking online is a completely safe and easy way to manage your finances. That’s why you should always download and use your bank’s app regularly as a secure mobile banking option. Mobile banking apps often have strong security built within their framework. They have many of the above features, like two-factor authentication, security questions and customizable security options.
WesBanco’s secure mobile banking app has everything you need to keep your funds and data safe. The comprehensive suite of mobile and online banking tools with built-in security measures will help you manage accounts, make payments and transfer funds from your mobile devices. Peace of mind comes standard with WesBanco’s secure mobile banking app.
Learn More about WesBanco’s Online & Mobile Tools
Explore Online and Mobile Banking Options
Content is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide legal or financial advice. The views and opinions expressed do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of WesBanco.